Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Carly- Chico Senior Photographer

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about my session with Carly is laughter! Our shoot was filled with funny faces and LOTS of laughter. We started off at Chico State where Carly is graduating from. I loved the prop she made! I remember getting a text the night before of the cute sign she made. While I was photographing Carly every few pictures she would make a goofy face. She couldn't contain her silliness! We later moved to a different location that was out in the beautiful nature. As we were walking through some tall grass I said to her " Oh my gosh I'm going to freak out if there are snakes!" She replied with " I don't think it's snake season... wait just kidding, I have no idea if that's a real thing." We both stopped dead in our tracks and started laughing so hard. I had so much fun during our session and I hope I can do another one with her again! Thanks again for choosing me Carly!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday- Networking

This week I've had one thing on my mind. Networking! Something I'm starting over on again since moving to Sacramento.This year first and for most, I really want my main focus for my photography to be weddings and then portrait sessions after that. In previous Thoughtful Thursday posts I have mentioned how up to this point I've made my business mostly from word of mouth.  Since moving to Sacramento, a city where I know virtually no one, I've had to start doing things differently. First I starting looking for local bridal shows. These are great for meeting brides of course, but also for meeting other vendors in the wedding industry. As a photographer, I think two of the best resources are wedding planners and venues. Venues and wedding are usually two of the first things brides book. Then usually the photographer. So it's best to reach out to those first. In reality though, not all brides start their wedding planning the same way. I think the best way to go about it is find one or maybe two different companies in each wedding category and make strong connections with them.
Another great resource is other photographers! Sounds kind of silly right? Why would they be giving out their "competition's" name? Well, sometimes photographers will get a request for a date they are already booked. Usually the bride will ask for some referrals. Do you get where I'm going with this? If not I'll lay it out simply, they may refer you! I know I've had to refer brides to other photographers a few times! The other great thing about networking with other photographers is you get to learn from them, share stories and vent to them when you are having a hard time! As much as my husband is willing to listen when I'm having doubts about my photography or getting down about how much business I have, it's so much different when I'm able to talk to someone who has gone through a similar situation. I have photographer friends who are in the same area as me and some that are across the country. It's amazing to have so much support from them!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Karissa & Savannah- Sacramento Photographer

Okay I know it's Thursday and I normally I post a "Thoughtful Thursday" post, but I was just too excited to post this whole session and couldn't wait another day!
I met Karissa a few years ago when we connected over Facebook. We did a session together and I remembered it being so relaxed and we got along great. We eventually did another one with her and her adorable daughter Savannah. She is seriously one of the cutest little girls I've ever met, no joke. During the slow time of year I usually get pretty stir crazy so I contacted Karissa about possibly doing a session. The great thing about Karissa is she's always up for a session! It took us a while to get together but I think the timing worked out great. We started at her home and then went out to a field just down the road. It's always easy to work with Karissa and I feel so inspired photographing her. I just want to do more and more session like it! I had a really hard time narrowing down the photos so you get to see more than normal!