Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Asher's 1st Birthday!

I know it's been a month since my sweet baby turned one but I'm finally remembering to post his birthday! I had so much fun planning his party. I decided to go with a woodland type theme. It was perfect for so many reasons! One being that I always call him "Moose". Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know, but it fits him so well! The second being that one of my friends had a few decorations that worked perfectly! It was a little difficult planning things because we actually had his birthday party in Chico, so I was planning things from out of town. All in all I think it turned out great! Next year though I will definitely be doing it at my own place in Sacramento! Also, I'm so happy I'm a photographer and have great photographer friends! I took photos at my friend Katelyn's son's first birthday and so in return she took some photos for me at Asher's party! Thanks again Katelyn!!! Hope you guys enjoy these photos, oh and check out our awesome piƱata!


  1. Wonderful pictures. I smiled so much my Cheeks hurt!

  2. Thanks Dad! Glad my friend Katelyn was able to capture them for me!
